
About Hjälpmedelstjänsten in English

The core of Hjälpmedelstjänsten is a database with information of more than 750,000 assistive products and devices, where suppliers can present their products and both healthcare authorities and assistive product suppliers can manage the agreements they have signed between them.

How to order Hjälpmedelstjänsten

There are different ways to order Hjälpmedelstjänsten as a non-Swedish organization.

For organizations with a Swedish VAT number

If your organization has a Swedish VAT number you can follow the standard procedure for signing a customer agreement and ordering Hjälpmedelstjänsten from Inera. Follow the steps described below.

Note: the persons who are to be appointed as Contact person, Certifier and Orderer need to have a Swedish e-identification, to be able to create an account in Inera's Customer Portal.

  1. Apply for a customer agreement (in Swedish)
  2. Authorized signatory signs the agreement
    The signing is normally done digitally with e-identification. If the authorized signatory lacks a Swedish e-identification, the signing can be done manually.
  3. The appointed Customer Administrator creates account in Inera's customer portal (in Swedish)
    When the agreement has been signed, the appointed Customer Administrator will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to proceed to create an account in Inera's Customer Portal. A Swedish e-identification is needed to create the account.
  4. Customer Administrator appoints the roles Certifier (Attestant) and Orderer (Beställare)
    This is done in Inera's Customer Portal.
  5. Orderer creates account and places order for Hjälpmedelstjänsten
    The appointed Orderer can now create an account and log in to Inera's Customer Portal to place an order for Hjälpmedelstjänsten.

For organizations with non-Swedish VAT number

If your organization has a non-Swedish VAT number, follow the steps below to sign a customer agreement and order Hjälpmedelstjänsten from Inera:

  1. Apply for a customer agreement by filling in the form Frågor om beställning och tjänster (in Swedish). In the dropdown menu, choose the option "Kundavtal".
  2. Authorized signatory signs the agreement
    The agreement will be sent to you be regular mail for signing.
  3. Place an order for Hjälpmedelstjänsten
    If the persons who are to be appointed as Customer Administrator, Certifier and Orderer have Swedish e-identification, please follow step 3-5 in the procedure described in the section above.

    If no one in the organization has a Swedish e-identification, you will receive an e-mail with a link to a digital order form.

FAQ for Hjälpmedelstjänsten

Can I log in to the Customer Portal without a Swedish personal id number?

No, only persons with a Swedish personal id number can log in to the Costumer Portal.

Can Inera upload our products to the Hjälpmedelstjänsten website?

No, that has to be done locally by the customer.

Do I need to sign a paper agreement to order the service?

Yes, in some cases, if your organization does not have a Swedish VAT number and none of the employees has a Swedish social security number. But the document can be scanned and sent to Inera electronically.

Information about GLN Numbers

A GLN — short for Global Location Number — is a number that identifies a business. Among other things, a GLN can identify a company, an organization, an invoice address, or a delivery location. Read more about GLN

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